пятница, 6 декабря 2019 г.



Used to / Would

  • We say Used to to talk about something that was true in the past, but is not true now.
                There used to be a park here, but now there’s a shopping centre.
                My grandmother used to have beautiful blonde hair, but now her hair is grey.
You can say used to to talk about states (things that were true for a long period of time) or repeated actions (things that happened several times).
                I used to live in Denver. (True for a long period of time)
                I used to go to the park every Friday. (A repeated action)
                Write adverbs before used to.
                I always used to cycle to school.
                I never used to eat vegetables.
  • You can use Would in a similar way to used to. It describes things that were true in the past but are not true now.
                When I was a child, my dad would read to me every night.
Would CANNOT be used to talk about states. It can only be used to talk about repeated actions.
There would be a park here.        =>           There used to be a park here.
                Write adverbs after would.
                I would always talk to my grandma when I had a problem.

Choose the correct answer.

  1. Are they having a good time? 
  2. I am thinking you are a nice person. 
  3. It is tasting good 
  4. You are looking great 
  5. He's been working since this morning 
  6. He's having a huge house 
  7. The food tastes good 
  8. They are looking at the photo album 
  9. They are designing a robot 
  10. She is liking him very much 

 Restaurant phrases for tourists 2 (Ordering)

Choose the correct words/phrases to complete the following conversation:

WAITER: Hi and welcome to Roberto's. Are you ready to order?

YOU: Not yet, _____________, please
  give us a second
  more time
  more time is needed

WAITER: No problem. I'll be back in a couple of minutes.... (AFTER A COUPLE OF MINUTES) What would you like to order?

YOU: How big are your _____________?

WAITER: Very big, you'll definitely get full :)

YOU: Perfect. And what does each order _____________ ( = include)?
  come to
  come by
  come with

WAITER: Each order includes fries or a salad.

YOU: OK. ____________ the chicken breast, and for my wife... the trout.
  Bring me
  I'll have

WAITER: Great. And would you like fries or salad with that?

YOU: Fries _____________ and a salad for my wife.
  for me
  I will have

WAITER: All right. I'll be right back with your order.


Одним прохладным зимним днём на Паддингтонском вокзале в Лондоне чета Браунов обнаруживает медвежонка в стильной красной шляпе, этот милый и достаточно робкий зверёк учтиво здоровается с каждым, проходящим мимо него, человеком. Завидев странного интеллигентного медведя, Брауны останавливаются и решают на одну ночь приютить бездомного гостя столицы.

На шее у мишки была бирка с надписью: «Присмотрите за этим медведем. Спасибо». Говорящий медвежонок Паддингтон прибыл в Лондон из Южной Америки. Попав в настоящую английскую семью, он не растерялся и решил не просто наслаждаться гостеприимством хозяев дома, а и помогать им с уборкой и прочими домашними делами. Беда в том, что все попытки Паддингтона стать помощником с треском проваливались

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