Used to / Would
- We say Used to to talk about something that was true in the past, but is not true now.
There used to be a park here, but now there’s a shopping centre.
My grandmother used to have beautiful blonde hair, but now her hair is grey.
You can say used to to talk about states (things that were true for a long period of time) or repeated actions (things that happened several times).
My grandmother used to have beautiful blonde hair, but now her hair is grey.
You can say used to to talk about states (things that were true for a long period of time) or repeated actions (things that happened several times).
I used to live in Denver. (True for a long period of time)
I used to go to the park every Friday. (A repeated action)
I used to go to the park every Friday. (A repeated action)
Write adverbs before used to.
I always used to cycle to school.
I never used to eat vegetables.
I always used to cycle to school.
I never used to eat vegetables.
- You can use Would in a similar way to used to. It describes things that were true in the past but are not true now.
When I was a child, my dad would read to me every night.
Would CANNOT be used to talk about states. It can only be used to talk about repeated actions.
There would be a park here. => There used to be a park here.
Write adverbs after would.
I would always talk to my grandma when I had a problem.
Write adverbs after would.
I would always talk to my grandma when I had a problem.
Choose the correct answer.
- Are they having a good time?
- I am thinking you are a nice person.
- It is tasting good
- You are looking great
- He's been working since this morning
- He's having a huge house
- The food tastes good
- They are looking at the photo album
- They are designing a robot
- She is liking him very much
Restaurant phrases for tourists 2 (Ordering)
Одним прохладным зимним днём на Паддингтонском вокзале в Лондоне чета Браунов обнаруживает медвежонка в стильной красной шляпе, этот милый и достаточно робкий зверёк учтиво здоровается с каждым, проходящим мимо него, человеком. Завидев странного интеллигентного медведя, Брауны останавливаются и решают на одну ночь приютить бездомного гостя столицы.
На шее у мишки была бирка с надписью: «Присмотрите за этим медведем. Спасибо». Говорящий медвежонок Паддингтон прибыл в Лондон из Южной Америки. Попав в настоящую английскую семью, он не растерялся и решил не просто наслаждаться гостеприимством хозяев дома, а и помогать им с уборкой и прочими домашними делами. Беда в том, что все попытки Паддингтона стать помощником с треском проваливались
На шее у мишки была бирка с надписью: «Присмотрите за этим медведем. Спасибо». Говорящий медвежонок Паддингтон прибыл в Лондон из Южной Америки. Попав в настоящую английскую семью, он не растерялся и решил не просто наслаждаться гостеприимством хозяев дома, а и помогать им с уборкой и прочими домашними делами. Беда в том, что все попытки Паддингтона стать помощником с треском проваливались
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